So ok, the community is getting bigger all the time, and we need some people to make it even bigger, promoting our forums, our name and our servers. I know alot of you are keen to become admins on 1, 2 or even both of our servers. So i am going to make an application form so i can see what you can offer, as admin is VERY limited on our servers at this time. So anyway, here are a couple of rules before even making an application:-
Don't expect admin, it will come to you, if i don't reply, dont be put off, i read everything, and it may take a while before i even speak to you about it, bugging me in the servers will not help you case AT ALL. Another thing is, we need people who can offer somthing back, but i will explain what in more details in a second, so if you canno't offer us anything, you may be overlooked for someone who can offer alot more to our community, common sence really, but thats the way it is really. Another thing is if you do get admin you will have to stick to a fairly strict system, abuse will NOT be tolerated here, and if i hear of any complaints, or see in the server logs of abuse, it will be removed, sometimes without notice.
**Please Use This Form To Make An Application For Admin**
Have you had any prior admin experiance, and if so how long did you have it:-
How will you help make us a better community with your use of admin:-
(read below for details)Option1 or Option2 or Option3:-
Ok, so this is the last question, which is kinda what is most important i guess, i know some of you can pay, and help us out, and get better servers, more slots, mods and get bigger, but im also aware that some of you are younger, or dont have paypal at this present time. I've worked out a way for both people to apply within, and make it fair, but remember guys, we're non-profit, all donations towards Dark Element will be put towards server costs, as they're quite high.
Donate £4.00 a month, which is like 13p a day or somthing silly to get admin, if you can do this please specify this as Option 1
Get 5 people to intrested in Dark Element enough to make an application on our forum please specify this as Option 2
Donate £1.75 a month and get at least 1 person to sign up on our forum and make an application please specify this as Option 3.
**Please note that if you do get people to make an application, make sure they say that you got them to sign up at the bottom of there application